The 205 apart from the Saxo VTR and VTS are the only cars that I think look the business when lowered but kept near as damn it standard.



This thing sits 55mm lower to the ground on standard rims but look how hard it looks. Probably handles like a go-cart as well. Out handle anything else on the road yeah Joost!





This is Joosts lovely 205. In his



Hello Mark,

I'm sorry that I didn't send the

pictures of my car earlier, but

 the weather hasn't been good

enough to make pictures. The

 stickers look really great and I

hope it will lead to more visitors

 of your site. My car is pretty

standard compared to yours but

 this will change this summer.

I have just  started working so I

can afford some mods which
will be added this summer.

 I would like fit bigger wheels

 like your 17-inch wheels but

will this mean much work on the

standard arches, and which offset
did you use? My car is lowered

one notch at the back and 50 mm

 at the front. I don't if you are

going to place the pictures on

your site but I could then make

some other of the rest of the car

and the things I have changed.

Thanks again for the stickers,

Joost Groen





Just look at those PugHeaven stickers, tasteful or what. Joost lives in Holland, and was kind enough to let me advertise the site on his lovely 205. Cheers mate, it makes all the difference.